To Follow Passion?

Its certainly not easy.
Passion literally consumes oneself. Passion becomes life.
Passion transcends work to entertainment.
Passion brings out true personality of a human being & further enhancing dominant traits.
Passion increases immunity against negativity & gives strength to endure any hardships.
Passion requires lots & lots of patience, learnings, failures & support system.
Passion requires trust to put one’s life in hands of those who are there to fulfill one’s passion.
Passion requires lots & lots of luck to have a highly trustworthy, responsible, dedicated, intelligent & ever learning team.
Passion changes the perspective of Time & Days of the week.
Passion if applied in right area can harbour a culture of excellence, quality & simplicity in execution.
Passion brings out multi-dimensional talent in oneself & others with correct support.
Passion triggers sixth sense & ideas.
Passion increases focus & observations.
Passion is clean form of inebriation.
Passion is love, mission & satisfaction.
Passion is combination of verbs with lots of adjectives to make it happen.

Passion is humane if it is not followed at the expense of somebody’s else life & money, irresponsibly & with no intent to return the favour.