P=pXgXh Where, pressure is P, the height is h, density is ρ, gravity is g Let P=pressure created by an issue p=complexity of that issue g=importance of that issue h=magnitude of that issue Hence absolute mental P at any given…
In self the irrational & rational can talk to each other without minding its consequences. Own is the only known which one can never disown
Time is a vector having magnitude & direction If time is spent in right direction (eg not sleeping too much while working hahaha) with correct magnitude (ie doing max work in given hours ) then it can lead to desired…
Emotions behave like dual properties of light. ie Wave + Particles In normal scenarios its predictability is defined by wave property of light ie rthymic oscillations of varying yet identifiable intensity. Danger zone is when it converts itself into particle…
A concept as an impetus initiates a new life, thereby embarking one on a journey full of struggle A purposeful struggle to achieve one’s dream, rests souly on people willing to fulfill Knowledge & emotion fills each day, using intent as they may A future one daily weighs, to seek or…
It always seems impossible until its done-Nelson Mandela Money won’t create success, the freedom to make it will-Nelson Mandela We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right-Nelson Mandela

We are laying down the ground work for introducing Elo rating & World WiTZ Championship 2014 on the similar lines as Chess & Othello Start practicing now to hone your skill for WiTZ Grand Master title

WiTZer’s prides in associating themselves with ever growing WiTZ community, were people belonging to every age-group love’s to play this brilliant strategy game. To brand their identity & pride, avid WiTZer’s can earn a collection of badges

For all the WiTZer’s out there, WiTZ & WiTZ Turf now have lots of new introductions to challenge your mind along with lots of achievements & badges to win 1) Rapid WiTZ – Enjoy a rapid fire game 2) Save…
We are so proud & happy to be hand picked by Amazon team to display our game WiTZ Turf in their “Featured Apps & Game” section.