I am an Android Droid Programmed to be a Loid Coding an application without a heading As intent is to write an app for my wedding Listing all acitivity‘s in relativelayout As life never follows a linearlayout Debugging Wish.notManifested.Exception error So as to succeed in installing…
Coining terms to govern one’s thought process is quite effective This one for myself > SIMPLICITY + UTILITY =SIMPUTILITY
Possibilities are many, But resources are few Interactions are canny, and tempers are stew Unlike a punchline,Were words are few Life progresses only when actions are new
Occurrence of events in present akin to many fragmented past Creating an urge to make a different future but not so fast In absolute terms, fundamentals are strong But relatively every move seems to be wrong Generating many possible course’s…
Crisis Situation! Absoluteness Gone For A Toss Fighting For Survival With Growth In Sight Zenith’s Visibility 100%…Must Have Reached Nadir Commencing Circuitous Peregrination Once Again Seeking Zero Gravitation-The Ultimate Experience
Birth of a child in the zodiac month of Libra, Cursed with Balance Scale as it’s prerogative trait, Burdened further with the symmetrical geometry of birth digit, A never ending flow of Zenith & Nadir
Decision Is An Output Of Three Vectors Namely….. a) Emotions b) Factual Data c) Judgements …..All Have High Degree Of Multi-Co-linearity Between Them