When NEED is fulfilled we reach to the state of EDEN (Delight) EDEN is the anagram of NEED

Extent of one’s EVOLUTION, is determined by depth of REALIZATION, which is due to the extent of TOLERANCE for UNCERTAINTY Tolerance in turn depends upon amount of PATIENCE held Hence due to law of transitivity EVOLUTION = PATIENCE

Life is a Linear Programming Problem (LPP) were we have to a) Maximize Immeasurable entities like Happiness, Love etc b) Using Measurable but Uncontrollable constraints like Time, Money etc Thus LIFE HAS MULTI OPTIMAL SOLUTIONS

Mind (Life) of mine is like a Line, getting stuck at times at a point But joining these points makes a Line, forget not this, my Mind

Blunders are at times outcome of wonder forcing us to wonder who is the founder of the wonder causing the blunder

Life at any given point of time equals extent of consistency with self  as well as with others Consistency is defined as sustainability & growth of a given domain of thought

Our mind fluctuates between two operators namely integration & derivation of xn with respect to x,  where n = dimension & x = thoughts If more of integration is performed then we work at higher dimension & hence are capable to…

Genesis has inherent connotation of limits of mental or physical suffering / tolerance / pain

Nature seeks neither action nor non-action It only seeks continuous flow Through both it achieves this flow

Perception is the best example of Duality having the connotation of confinement as well as non-confinement